Thursday, February 26, 2009

2/26/09. First post since september!!

This society does what it is supposed to do. People are happy, and the world keeps spinning without any fighting. The problem is that there is no original thought from people. Nobody questions life, and it seems like all resources are spent on keeping people happy, not advancing their civilization. This is probably deeper than Huxley intended or a different thought completely, as I feel like he was trying to make a point on what kind of civilization would be the nicest to live in. You can either have the freedom to think but have horrendous living conditions, or be a zombie that doesn’t care about life in really nice living conditions fulfilling what Huxley says is the human races greatest want whenever you want, with whoever you want. It’s hard to say what you would rather want, because as the book has shown, we tend to accept the world that we’re presented with, until you find a flaw. If you find a flaw, Huxley did what every civilization has done in human history and they use religion as a way to explain the problems of the world. With either society, I feel like you’re brain washed. It’s either being brainwashed and believe that a merciless God is responsible for why life is miserable, or be brainwashed to be happy by means of hypnopaedia or other conditioning. So the Brave New World society is bad because there is no original thought and if people aren’t thinking and unhappy with the world I don’t see how any progress could be made to discover the way the world works, or answer questions like ‘why are we here?’ which I feel are the ultimate questions in life. But I would take it over the savage reservation, because at least in the Brave New World there is happiness and even though there is worshipping of a God, Henry Ford, it isn’t as dramatic or violent.

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